Cooperation and sharing expertise between clusters
Genopole has grown its partner biocluster network, notably toward Eastern Europe, a region renowned for its capacities in computational genomics and biotherapies. In that way, the biocluster progressively develops Europe-wide cooperation advantageous for the growth of its strategic sectors. Such cooperation is illustrated well by GEN.ERA, an alliance of entities acting as one pan-European cluster.
GEN.ERA: two years to construct a European strategy for internationalization
Launched in 2020, GEN.ERA (diGital gENomic alliance to Explore new maRket for Acceleration) associates Genopole, the project coordinator, with four other clusters.
The consortium successfully completed the first two steps in its shared strategy for growth in the international genomics market: the identification of the five most-promising markets (USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Australia) and the completion of analyses of those markets, transmitted thereafter to the partner clusters’ businesses. Simultaneously, contacts were established with access-easing intermediary structures such as the Japan External Trade Organization or the Genome Institute of Singapore.